About Me

When I was young I was lucky to find fantastic local teacher Andy Bilham who instilled in me the importance of listening and musicality. From that early age I learned that technique should serve the music and not the other way round. This has been a linchpin for my development ever since.
It is my firm belief that the drum set should always be considered a musical instrument ("musical" being the operative word) and that this approach will lead to the most creative and fullfilling playing.
Later whilst studying Physics at Edinburgh University (including the physics of sound, musical instruments and architechtural acoustics) I joined a local scene of musicians. This pool of players formed a close knit group that would meet and perform regularly and gave me the chance to join with bands, singers and shows all around Scotland. I am indebited to Chris Overton (Edinburgh's then "percussion Don") for his help in getting me on the ladder.
My first paid jobs were for amateur dramatic shows in and around Edinburgh. It was a wonderful time, my first taste of life in a pit! My first musical director, Linda Stewart instilled the confidence in me to move ahead as professional drummer and gave me the final kick up the back side I needed to turn my hobby into a full time living. It's still a hobby but what a way to make your way through the world. I'm very lucky.
After graduating I moved back to London, joined bands, did small shows, played live as often as I could and made contact with as many people as I could find who I thought could help, all in search of that first job to get my feet on the floor. A national tour of Joseph And His Amazing Technicolor Dremcoat was to be that platform.
Since then it's been a constant mix of original projects, jazz bands big and small, West End shows, teaching, sessions, tv work, tours, function bands, recordings, performance groups and more.